We work together with some stakeholders to learn and save Indonesia’s mangrove. We know that we couldn’t this alone, so we make collaboration with any kind of stakeholder to improve livelihood, to gain awareness and make this world better.
Consulting Partner
Palembang, Indonesia
We held discussions regarding the condition of fisheries and mangrove…
Consulting Partner, Implementation Partner
Pekanbaru, Indonesia
We invited one of the University of Riau academicians to…
Consulting Partner
Mataram, Indonesia
We held a discussion regarding fisheries and mangrove forests conditions…
Consulting Partner
Kendari, Indonesia
The Blue Forests team invited one of the academics when…
Consulting Partner
Pontianak, Indonesia
Sampan Foundation accompanied the Blue Forests team when we visited…
Consulting Partner
Bogor, Indonesia
Tropenbos Indonesia and ELTI supported the mangrove and proboscis monkey…
Consulting Partner, Funding Partner
Darwin, Australia
Together with IUCN, RIEL (Research Institute for Environment and Livelihoods)…
Consulting Partner
Gorontalo, Indonesia
The Japesda team is involved in the assessment of mangrove…
Consulting Partner, Funding Partner
Jakarta, Indonesia
In 2015, WRI supported the feasibility assessment activities needed to…